
Showing posts from December, 2018

Black panther trailer analysis

0:00 - 0:11 Camera Shots High angle shot: lights turning on and flickering lights Tilt Shot: Vertical shot of Klaws boots and Handcuffs Medium shots: Everett's, mistrusting pose, Klaw handcuffed, Over the shoulder shots: Places the audience into the conversation Visual Codes: Colour: Grey, Bleak, infers emptiness/lack of emotion Clothing: Klaw: formal wear, Everett: Casual everyday wear Expression: Klaw: Insanity, Everett: Mistrusting Gestures: Klaw: Limited (Handcuffed, missing arm, Duck tape), Everett: Arms crossed, sat casually Iconography: Boxes, Sink, Tissue paper: suggests that the interview was hastily put together Audio Codes Mode of address: "Tell me something, what do you know about Wakanda?": Informal address, Implies Klaw doesn't take the situation seriously Diegetic Sound: Lights buzzing Theorists: Roland Barthes, Semiotics 0:11 - 0:22 Camera Shots Fade: Camera fades to black twice (0:10, 0:15) Panning Shot: Pans over the w

Theorist: David Hesmondhalgh

Horizontal integration : Synergy between subsidiaries at the same stage of production Vertical integration:  Synergy through two or more stages of production "‘they buy up other companies involved in different stages of the process of production and circulation" "they buy up other companies in the same sector to reduce the competition" Production : Making the product (includes pre and post) Distribution : Making the product available Marketing : Promoting the product Exhibition : The point an audience receives the product  Synergy : The increased effectiveness that results when two or more people or businesses work together (and therefore gain a mutual benefit) "by buying or partnering other companies abroad, corporations can sell massive amounts of extra copies of a product… they buy into other related areas of cultural industry production to ensure cross-promotion" Convergence : Moving towards union, coming closer togethe

Case study: Wateraid

Stuart Hall: Theory of representation The idea that representation is the production of meaning through language, with language being defined in its broadest sense as a system of signs. For example the positioning of the charity advert is enforced early on through the environment with: dry crops, insect noises,beige pallet, intense heat and underdeveloped infrastructure. Another idea is that the relationship between concepts and signs is governed by codes, the idea that stereotyping as a for of representation reduces people to a few simple characteristics or traits. For instance Claudia is wearing stereo-typically feminine clothing, with a pink shirt and print skirt. Finally the idea the stereotyping tends to occur where there are inequality of power, as subordinate or excluded groups are constructed as different or 'other'. For example the village being underdeveloped and in need of aid may reinforce the inequality of power. &qu

Bias: photos, captions and camera angles

Bias by photos, captions and camera angles Some pictures flatter a person, others make the person look unpleasant.  A paper can choose photos to influence opinion about, for example, a candidate for election. On television, the choice of which visual images to display is extremely important. The captions newspapers run below photos are also potential sources of bias