
Showing posts from September, 2018

Theorist: Stuart Hall

Language: Any way of communicating Media language:  The different ways in which media communicates to the audience Representation: The portal of something in a particular way Example: Mark Duggan Sterotypes: A wideley held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a perticualr type of person. These can be associated with: Age Religion Skin tone Gender Country

Theorist: Levi Strauss

Structuralism : A method of interpretation and analysis of aspects of human cognition, behaviour culture and experience which focuses on relationships of contrast between elements in a conceptual system. Binary: Composed of two pieces or parts Examples of binary opposites in school: Creative/Academic Uniform/Individuality Teachers/Students Practical/Theoretical Children/Teen Examples of binary opposites in Tide advertisement: Expectation/Reality Cleanest/Dirtiest Want/Not wanting

Media Language and Representation

Key Terms : Page 14 Forms: Different types of media Platforms: Ways of communicating to an audience Products: What media produces, e.g video games/T.V/ movies Encode: Communicating ideas with systems and signs Decode: How audiences interpenetrate a message Codes: Signs within media that give meaning Effect: Impacts that codes have on the audience  Camera Shots: Close ups: Creates emotion and tension Extreme close ups: Creates suspense or draws attention Long Shots: Used when more info is required and enhances understanding Medium Close ups: 'Newsreader shots' related to the news genre Establishing shots: A rapid way of advancing the narrative, raises the audiences expectations and enhances the audience pleasure  Key Terms : Page 16 Production Value: The features of a media product that illustrates how much it cost to make Hand held camera: A filming style where a Steadicam or tripod isn't used, giving a jerky style that suggests realism Camera angl

Theorist: Judith Butler

Gender: A person identification (Based on social characteristics) Sexuality: Emotional, romantic or sexual attraction Sex: The anatomy of an individuals reproductive system Key concept: Gender as performance Judith Butler identifies that gender is nothing more than performance our gender performance is fluid and changes in different contexts and different times "Their is no gender identify behind the expressions of gender identity: ... identity is performatively constituted by the very expressions which are said to be its results" Key concept: Social Construction-ism  Peoples personality and behavior are shaped by society and culture, they can adapt and change. "Understand gender as a relation among socially constituted subjects in specifiable contexts" Key term: Subversive performances Subvert: To go against something established or to undermine the authority of something Nothing about gender is premeditated, it is mainly patterns Key term: A

Gender representation within media: The Sun

No more page 3 'THE EXPERIMENT' (2015) Main Notes: Even though the sun is a sports magazine it featured no female athletes within a six month period The male photos were all taken of them in their professions and looking serious, the female photos were primarily staged photos that showed the women smiling or pouting The only representation of older women were: The Queen, Mrs Brown and a woman on a mobility scooter The female side featured large quantities of women either semi-naked or fully naked   Bias There may have been a bias in the video as the sun was the only newspaper used and the production company was against the newspaper industry using page 3 in newspapers What happened afterwards? The page 3 section was removed in 2016, as many groups deemed it unacceptable, for example more than 30 top universities voted to stop selling the sun until it removed page three, and the movement received over 200,000 votes from groups like Girl Guides, The Welsh Assembly


What choices have the editors of these papers made about how to represent this event?  In the Daily Mirror they have decided to portray the event as worrying and scary. In The Guardian they have decided to portray the event as stressful and unnerving. What process of selection and combinations are evident in these front pages?  In the Daily Mirror they have focused in on Samantha Cameron looking worried at her husband, they have a big rhetorical question in the middle of the newspaper, at the top of the newspaper they have news stories relating to Brexit. In The Guardian the have a photo of a group where they all are looking stressed, above the photo they have a title with references to survival and fighting, to the side of the photo they have statistics relating to Brexit. How has the central image been used to communicate messages to the audience? In the Daily Mirror the photo focuses on Samantha Cameron looking worried at her her husband David Cameron, it communicates a message o
What Made me choose media studies? I chose to study media because I really like to analyse films, how they effect the audience and how the movie was created. There are a plethora of films and scenes that I have love to watch over and over again to see how the process takes place, what special effects were added, what was performed by the lead actor/actress, and how they felt about the process etc. In particular I really liked the Saw franchise, Kill Bill and A Quiet place; as the are all horror movies that required a large amount of technological skill and planning, that scares the audience and leaves them on the edge of their seat. Saw (The Original) was shot in one warehouse as it was cheaper to produce, as creators James Wan and Leigh Whannell had a low budget of US $1 million and 18 days to shoot, therefore the cast and crew members had to improvise during shooting: interviewing surgeons to ensure everything was medically sound, using actual pig intestines instead of prop