What Made me choose media studies? I chose to study media because I really like to analyse films, how they effect the audience and how the movie was created. There are a plethora of films and scenes that I have love to watch over and over again to see how the process takes place, what special effects were added, what was performed by the lead actor/actress, and how they felt about the process etc. In particular I really liked the Saw franchise, Kill Bill and A Quiet place; as the are all horror movies that required a large amount of technological skill and planning, that scares the audience and leaves them on the edge of their seat. Saw (The Original) was shot in one warehouse as it was cheaper to produce, as creators James Wan and Leigh Whannell had a low budget of US $1 million and 18 days to shoot, therefore the cast and crew members had to improvise during shooting: interviewing surgeons to ensure everything was medically sound, using actual pig intestines instead of prop