
Showing posts from March, 2019

Theorist: Curran and Seaton: Power and Media Industries

"diversity is in the public interest – but modern societies suffer from collective  attention deficit disorders[…] the public  interest has to work harder to be noticed, and we need agile but resourceful media to do that" -  Curran and Seaton on the need for diversity: Monopoly:  The exclusive ownership or control of something Conglomerate:  A large corporation consisting of multiple smaller companies, e.g. Disney Pixar Subsidiary : A smaller company owned by a large corporation "it [extends] their range of business and political connections, [increases] their corporation’s prestige and, through judicious editorial appointments, [contributes] to the maintenance of public opinion favorable to private enterprise" - Curran and Seaton on monopoly Having a monopoly means domination of multiple media industries If the focus is on creating profit, generally conglomerates don’t take risks with the media products they produce This often results in limited