
Showing posts from April, 2019

Riptide: Case Study

Riptide Case Study (3)Sg by Owain Davies on Scribd

Adbusters: Blank page

The Blank page is symbolic of a lack of distraction, represents the void left by a lack of advertising and also alludes to  the quotation "“All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone." by Blaise Pascal a 17th century mathematician and theologian The blank space may be disconcerting to audiences as the use of empty space as a focal point, is vastly different to the style and layout creates by other magazines, this is a binary opposition between traditional magazines and Adbusters Their is also an emphasis on that we have to distract and occupy ourselves all the time, and criticizes how humanity is evolving be less creative and imaginative. Adbusters magazine break this mold very well by not having adverts in any of their magazines to fund the magazine, instead relying on the subscription to their magazine inst

Adbusters: Chapter 2

Enigma and Symbolic codes: Mask Hoods': Symbolic of how we are sucked into our phones and online, so much so that we cant see and enjoy the world around us. No face: The lack of faces and facial expressions implies that individuality is being sucked away form you through your phone, that we become faceless individuals without a personality, and our only interactions with other people is through the internet. Cartoon: the use of the cartoon style further highlights and parody's the separation between the real world and what is on online and how we depict ourselves online (in a different world) and how we portray ourselves in real life. Greyscale: The lack of color subverts the norm of magazines as adverts usually use bright and colorful images to catch our attention instead adbuster magazine uses this greyscale visual to represent the modern world and its immersion with technology and media, the lack of individuality. The magazine represents our modern lifeltylle

Adbusters: Loubiton

The Loubition logo is Juxtaposed with the image of a black persons feet in sandals made out of two squashed plastic bottles and rags, this is used to promote Adbusters message of anti-consumerism. The Black person wearing the makeshift shoes is standing on dried up earth, there are connotations of poverty, drought and famine in a underdeveloped/developing country. This is similar advertising campaigns created by charity campaigns and news reports. Stuart Hall, (Stereotypes): In the image there is the stereotypical representation of ethnicity, Adbusters uses this sense of otherness to their benefit to make specific economic and political statements about the inequality of power. Paul Gilroy, (Post colonial theory): Adbusters has also drawn attention to racial hierarchy and binary oppositions between rich and poor countries and the west and developing countries 'Red souls are always in season' Loubition is well known for creating expensive shoes with red souls (

Adbusters: Post West

Adbusters: Post West             Masthead:  Plain, white sans serif font is clearly visible at the top of the cover,  it is partially covered by the 'pasted over' effect Title : The title 'Post west' is in the same white font as the masthead, it is positioned in the lower third of the cover. There is a Social/Political message linked to the title, as it links to the article 'Time for a radical rethink of what is considered a normal life in the decadent west'. Image: The central image inst fully anchored, this choice may be because adbusters assumes a level of understanding with its audience  Gesture/Clothing codes : Black Background Main image: Male in camouflage jacket, angry expression,clenched fist Image partially pasted over Subverts codes of consumer/Lifestyle magazines The front cover lacks other conventions of magazines : No cover lines, pricing  Each issue of Adbusters has a different typography and style, reflecting its autono