Charity Adverts set piece: "Rain for Good"

Rain for Good

Produced by: Water Aid
Date Produced: 28/08/16

Who are water aid? Water aids was established in 1981 and works in 37 African, Asian and central american countries providing sustainable water sources

Song Used: Sunshine on a rainy day/ Zoe

Shows: 16 year old, Zambian Student, Claudia

General Trends of charity adverts: 

  • Emotional Soundtrack
  • Matter of Fact
  • Depressing
  • "You can change this"
  • Dirty water
  • Celebrity Endorsement
  • Repetitive message
  • Personal address
  • Memorable Logo
  • Statistics

Ways That Water Aid follows the genre:
Ways that Water Aid subverts the genre:
  • ·         Close up on young people
  • ·         Drought/Dusty plains
  • ·         Info graphic at the end of the advert
  • ·         Asks for money
  • ·         Stereotypical developing village
  • ·         Women collecting water

  • ·         Healthy and happy people
  • ·         Not depressing
  • ·         No voice-over
  • ·         colorful clothing and tools
  • ·         No sadness
  • ·         Not shocking or hard hitting
  • ·         Shows results of charity
  • ·         not pushy more positive

  •  Levi Strauss: Binary Opposites
  • Roland Bartes: Semiotics
  • Paul Gilroy: Post colonialism 
Similar Comparison

Checking out me history: John Agard


The Hermetic Code, (the voice of truth): The way the story avoids telling the direct truth or facts to add clues/ create mystery

Radio: weather forecast, Rain in the UK/ Drought, dry, poverty, developing country/Nameless girl/ Middle of her journey

The Enigma Code, (Empirical code): The way tension is built and leaving the audience in suspense, e.g: cliffhangers

Walking somewhere, 

Semantic Code, (Voice of the person): Any element in the text that suggests a particular, often additional meaning by way of which the story suggests.

Hope: Boy in white/ Increase in color/ Water is inferred to be the cause of this

The Symbolic Code, (The voice of the symbols): Similar to the semantic code,however it focuses on a wider range, organizing them into different sets of meaning, typically done with antithesis where new meaning arise out of conflict and opposing ideas

Stereotypical African customs: Prints/Buckets on head/ providing for the family

The Cultural Code, (The voice of science): looking at the audiences cultural knowledge and ideology, this gives more context and meaning to the text, it references how we think of the world, and how we think it works.

Dietetic sound: Any sound that is in the frame
Sound Bridge: When sounds bridge the gap between two frames

  1. Radio forecast, Rain (symbolic of British weather)
  2. Insects (Sound Bridge) relates the UK to Africa
  3. Wind, Dry Crops
  4. Crunching feet and Humming (Infers dryness and)
  5. Singing (In English with strong accent, age is apparent but hard to define, implies maturity)
  6. "Makes me feel like I belong" Co notes togetherness and belonging 
  7. "Don't leave me here alone" (Enigma: unsure about what is happening) 
  8. Title of song: Happy children, People doing chores, Irony of sunshine, Plentiful rain


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