Newspapers: Audience

Clay Shirkley: End of audience theory

  • Internet and digital technologies have a profound effect on relations between media and individuals
  • Conceptualisation of audience members are passaible consumers of mass media content is no longer tenable in the age of the internet, being able to speak back and creating/sharing with each other, e.g. YouTubers 
Gerbner: Audience of response

"Exposure to repeated patters of representation over long periods of time can shape and influence the way in which people perceive the world around them, e.g. Accents, Political influence from family members.

Erroneously reported: News given without sources and facts 

Consider the representation of terror

Image result for beheaded on a british street daily mirror Image result for 19 dead in pop concert daily mirror

  • How are the issues represented
  • What does the choice of images and language, shape and influence
  • What is the cumulative (Next step)
Applying Stuart Hall: Hall's Model

  • Moment of Encoding: When the institutional practises, organisational conditions and practises of production take place
  • Moment of Text: The symbolic construction, arrangement and performance, the form and context of what is published
  • Moment of Decoding: The moment of reception ot consumption


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